
Showing posts from September 18, 2011

Nekhbet at Himalayas

For me, Egyptian stands for mysterious. I don't mean that Egyptians look like aliens. I have never visited Egypt and the very first image which come in my mind with term Egypt is Nile river civilization and the huge pyramids. So over the course of time I have developed an enigmatic Image for Egypt and its culture. So when I heard about the Egyptian Vulture for the very first time, I thought about it as an enigmatic species. It felt like it had witnessed the growth and decline of civilization or had to do something with it. But I never knew that it really had a connection with Egyptian civilization. In ancient Egyptian mythology, there was a Goddess named "Nekhbet" whose totemic form was Egyptian white vulture. It was considered to be existed only as female as there is no sexual dimorphism. They were supposed to reproduce by parthenogenesis. Nekhbet was responsible for motherhood, queenship, wild birds, life creator, death and rebirth. I had seen Vultures many times during