
Showing posts from August 28, 2011


Last year I was requested by one of my friend to have a discussion on "The origin of communication" so that he could develop an idea to make a synopsis report. Our discussion started with "interaction" rather than "communication". Our discussion on communication was also a communication. We concluded that the communication was the factor without which even the universe would have not come into existence. For communication between two subjects, 3 things are essential: Transmitter (which transmits a signal) Signal(which carries information) Receptor or Receiver (which receives a signal) In general after getting received, a signal (say an audio signal, received by ear) is amplified ( like middle ear amplifies sound by 3 small bones) and then converted into other form (electrical signal in inner ear), which is transmitted to other center (like brain) where it could be properly interpreted to understand what transmitter wants to convey. One other